Who is the Foundation? | The Greenhouse Foundation

The Greenhouse Foundation Limited (“Foundation”) is incorporated in England and Wales as a company that is limited by guarantee. It has no shareholders. Its registered company number is 09467566 and the registered office is 219 Kensington High Street, Kensington W8 6BD, London, United Kingdom. You can see the Foundation’s public filings and resolutions at the United Kingdom’s Companies House register at this link .

There are two Foundation directors, Michael O'Leary-Collins and Tanja Lazović and all of the company’s secretarial and its other various operational needs are provided by Greenhouse Investment Group Limited. All Foundation enquiries can be directed to enquiries@greenhouse-foundation.com, or either +353 (21) 421 7333, +385 (1) 644 8200.

Rights to use the Greenhouse logo and trademark has been granted to the Foundation under limited license by Greenhouse Investments Limited free of cost.

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